Delivery status
The delivery status request reflects the order status from your service in both Shopify and Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery.
Webhook mode
To use webhooks for delivery status updates, you need to select “Webhook from carrier” from the dropdown menu within the Delivery Status endpoint settings.
Next, you need to create the URL that will be used for the webhook.
The base URL is
We recommend using your company name to avoid any issues, for example :
Next, you need to generate an authentication token that will be sent with the web hook.
Next, you need to enter the key from the response object that contains the order status value.
Next, you need to specify each status value we can expect to receive.
Polling request Mode
The request is called only if tracking details are enabled. We will send a request every 10 minutes after the tracking details have been added to the order. To format the Delivery status request:
Go to the App Setup page
Click Delivery status
We accept GET and POST requests. If you need to, you can use ####{{ }} variable that you passed us in the Create delivery request. For the full list of allowed variables, check the Delivery status section of our Allowed variables list.
Select "pull status every 5 minutes" from the dropdown menu as shown below:
For the response, we expect a single "key" : "value" pair. The key should be static, and the value can change depending on the status.
Next, you need to specify each status value we can expect to receive.
Last updated