Writing app listing
The app listing page lets you:
Add basic information about your page
Select which countries your service covers
Add test stores for development testing and beta testing
App information
App information and the app icon show in Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery > Settings > Last mile delivery. In the development and beta phases, the integration will only be visible to stores you enter in the Test stores section. When the integration goes public, all merchants will see it.
Short description
A short description is a hook that helps merchants choose your app. Make it short, and include your unique selling point. For example, Teleportation delivery within London.
The website will show as a Learn more link. Merchants that discover your service from our app will most likely click that link, so we recommend creating a special page with clear signup steps.
Contact email
The contact email is not visible right now, but we plan to make it easier for merchants to contact you when they have questions.
App icon
App icon helps merchants recognize you on our Last mile delivery page. We recommend a 1200px by 1200px transparent PNG.
You can add countries and regions where your service operates. While this is not yet a feature, we plan to show location-specific integrations only to merchants in those locations. If left blank, the integration will be visible to all merchants.
Last updated